All College
Tuesday Recap with Slideshows
Including section photos, group photos, Rosary and more ...
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All College
Wednesday Morning
Fresh after sleeping off last night’s excitement, the Summer Program began this morning … in the beginning, with the first 10 chapters of Genesis, from Creation to Noah.
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All College
Slideshow: End of the First Day
Sophocles, sports, snacks & studies ...
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All College
The Program Begins!
Monday morning: Breakfast, orientation, Mass, and Sophocles ...
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All College
Ready to Go!
Most of the prefects have arrived on campus, and they are working with the Admissions staff on last-minute preparations for this year’s High School Summer Program.
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All College
Meet Your Tutors, Part 2
Following our introductions of the 2015 High School Summer Program chaplains and prefects, we now present the second installment in a two-part series introducing this year’s faculty.
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