Students say goodbye


It was a morning full of farewells for the attendees of the California High School Summer Program. Though they celebrated late into the night at yesterday’s dance, many of the students rose before the sun (and others simply never went to sleep at all!) to take cars and buses to the airport for early flights. Throughout the morning, parents and family came to campus to pick up their students, and more buses arrived to take others away, despite their reluctance to leave TAC behind.

Having grown into a community of fast friends over two weeks, the high schoolers couldn’t imagine saying goodbye for good. They hugged each other long and often, repeating goodbyes and making plans to see each other again soon. “I’ve never met such incredible people before!” said student Amy G. Elizabeth R. added, “I wish we had another week together.” Students smiled and waved, and some wiped away tears as the buses and cars drove away.

Photos: Goodbyes
  • Goodbyes
  • Goodbyes
  • Goodbyes
  • Goodbyes
  • Goodbyes
  • Goodbyes
  • Goodbyes
  • Goodbyes
  • Goodbyes
  • Goodbyes
  • Goodbyes
  • Goodbyes
  • Goodbyes
  • Goodbyes
  • Goodbyes
  • Goodbyes
  • Goodbyes
  • Goodbyes
  • Goodbyes
  • Goodbyes

Student Andrew N. summed up the feelings of his fellow programmers, saying simply, “I loved it.” Everyone was a little bit heartsick to leave the people, place, and life that they have loved as their own. The prefects, equally sad to see the students go, made them promise to come visit again. “It was a spectacular two weeks,” said prefect Ricardo Madan (’24). “Come back soon!” On seeing the mournful faces of the departing students, Admissions Counselor Orion LaCour (’22) joked, “Just apply!” 

Before signing off, we want to thank many of the generous people who have put in so much effort to make this program possible: Fr. Sebastian brought his kind spirit, his generous heart, and — best of all — Our Lord’s saving sacraments! Program Director Brian Dragoo, Director of Admissions Jon Daly, and the Admissions team worked many a long hour to make to the program a joy both inside the classroom and out. And how can we ever begin to thank our amazing group of prefects for continually going above and beyond to share the college they love?


The prefects
The prefect team in Santa Barbara


We would also like to take a moment to thank the TAC students who have made this blog possible: Our writer, Isabel Oleson (’25), who has steadfastly provided her eloquent twice-daily updates; our photographer, Regina Terreri (’23), who has filled each day’s posts with beautiful photos; and our web assistant, Elizabeth Doylend (’26) — a ringer from TAC-New England — who has painstakingly constructed the posts and slideshows.


Isabel and Regina
Isabel and Regina


Of course, neither the blog nor the program itself would be possible without the students — who sacrificed two weeks of precious summer vacation to return to the classroom for a firsthand experience of Catholic liberal education — and their parents, who entrusted them to the College’s care. Thank you!

Though we hope to welcome many of these thoughtful and openhearted young students back to campus in the year to come, it has been our great joy to share this too-short time with them, regardless! We pray for their safe travels home and ask God for His continued blessings upon the students of the 2024 California Great Books High School Program.

Please keep us in your prayers as we pray for you!