All College
Summer Program: “Like Nothing I had ever Experienced”
At the most recent meeting of the College’s Board of Governors, Sarah Rivera (’17) talked how the High School Summer Program changed her life.
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All College
Summer Program Grad Sings: “TAC Chose Me”
Plans are already under way for the 2015 High School Summer Program, and the College is assembling a team of prefects ...
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One Last Farewell
Summer Program prefects gather to say goodbye to Head Prefect Kathleen Sullivan (’06)
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Saying Goodbye
Starting at the crack of dawn this morning — about 4:45 a.m.! — the 2014 Summer Program students began departing campus to make their way back home ...
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Last Night in Santa Paula
Photos from the Summer Program’s banquet and dance!
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The Beginning of the End
“I don’t want this to end,” one student lamented, echoing the sentiments of many.
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The Last Day
Final classes and farewell gifts
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