Alumna Lends Her Voice to Rosary for Holy Father 
On March 19, alumna Josefina Altamiranda (’18) provided the English translation for a Rosary for Pope Francis’s health, which was broadcast on EWTN.
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Uniting Catholics in Business: Karen Walker (’76)
"I would say I am more of an entrepreneur than anything else,” says Karen Walker (’76), seasoned journalist, PR professional, and founder of the Catholic Business Journal and “The Mentors Radio” show.
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Sean Fitzpatrick (’02) Shares Four Principles of Catholic Education
In a recent article for the National Catholic Register, Sean Fitzpatrick (’ 02), assistant headmaster and co-founder of Gregory the Great Academy in Elmhurst Township, Pennsylvania, lays out four principles of classical Catholic education that have helped the school succeed for over 10 years.
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Lucia Cammarota (CA’23) Brings Faith to Young People through FOCUS
“I’m glad to be helping a Catholic organization that is doing such good work,” says Lucia Cammarota (CA’23), who works for the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS), where she supports campus missionaries behind-the-scenes from the organization’s Denver headquarters.
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Rev. Augustine Hilander, O.P. (’99) Releases New Holy Name Devotional
Twenty-five years after his graduation from Thomas Aquinas College, alumnus priest Rev. Augustine Hilander, O.P. (’99) has published his first book: a daily devotional to the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary.
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Tutor Brian Dragoo (’01) Considers Pascal’s Wager from a Gambler’s Perspective
A group of TAC-California students and tutors gathered in the Dillon Seminar Room earlier last month for the  year’s first Tutor Talk, given by Dr. Anthony Andres. Titled The Problem of Principles, the talk drew from texts familiar to students from their Freshman Year philosophy course in Aristotelian logic.
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Corporate Ethicist Dr. Pia de Solenni (’93) Shares Career Insights with TAC Students
Dr. Pia de Solenni (’93), director of corporate engagement for IWP Capital, visited her alma mater last month to speak with students about how her Thomas Aquinas College education has served her professionally.
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