New England
Summer Program Students


Saturday morning arrived all too soon for students at the New England High School Summer Program. A cool mist had descended on campus as the sky slowly lightened and attendees prepared for their trips home, with some leaving as early as 4:45 a.m.! With no lights-out from the evening before, many programmers stayed up late into the night, squeezing every last drop out of the time they had together. “It’s so hard to say goodbye to all my friends,” said Natalia G. Attendees made sure to swap phone numbers and make group chats to stay in touch with all their new friends.


Summer Program Students


In Gould Hall, the women snacked on leftover cheese from last night’s dance, curling up on couches and chairs to look back on their favorite memories from the program. Meanwhile, in St. Augustine Hall, the men sat around a blazing bonfire which cast a cheerful glow and chased away the early morning chill.

As students began leaving for the airport, they were engulfed in hugs from their classmates and friends. It was a bittersweet moment as they bade farewell to each other and celebrated the friendships they had forged in just two short weeks. “I feel like I’ve known you all for years!” said Michele A. “I’ll miss you all so much,” added Paulina O.


Summer Program Students


But, for some, it was not necessarily goodbye. Many students, now sold on going to Thomas Aquinas College, reminded each other to start the application process. “It’s been an amazing two weeks,” said Karolina P. “I hope to come back next fall!”

And with that, the 2024 New England High School Summer Program blog has come to an end.


Summer Program Students


We owe a great debt of gratitude to the many people have put in so much effort to make this program a roaring success: Program Director Dr. Josef Froula and Director of Admissions John Jost worked long hours to give their all to the program and its attendees. The Admissions team put in unceasing time and energy. And the prefects gave themselves to the students so generously, taking two weeks out of their summer to share the college they love.


Summer Program Students


We would also like to take a moment to thank the TAC students who have made this blog possible: Our writer, Natalie Peterson (’27), who dutifully wrote some 8,000 words these last two weeks; our photographer, Emily Peter (’25), who took all the pictures; and our web assistant, Elizabeth Doylend (’26), who has painstakingly constructed the posts and slideshows.


Summer Blog writer Natalie Peterson (’27) and photographer Emily Peter (’25)
Summer Blog writer Natalie Peterson (’27) and photographer Emily Peter (’25)

Of course, neither the blog nor the program itself would be possible without the students — who sacrificed two weeks of precious summer vacation to return to the classroom for a firsthand experience of Catholic liberal education — and their parents, who entrusted them to the College’s care. Thank you!

And, above all, we give thanks to the Triune God from Whom all blessings flow. Deo gratias!


Summer Program Students