All College
Sunday at Mass, on the Beach & in Santa Barbara!
Sunday on the 2017 High School Summer Program
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All College
Euclid & Boethius, Art & Beauty
Monday recap from the High School Summer Program blog
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All College
Saturday Night, Open-Mic Videos & More!
Saturday night on the 2017 High School Summer Program
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All College
Much Ado About Friday Night
From the Summer Program blog: Dance class, Shakedpeare, Rosary, campfire, and more!
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All College
Photos from Saturday’s Hike!
Saturday morning on the High School Summer Program, students headed down to Malibu to hike the 5.2-mile Chumash Tail.
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All College
Video & Photos from a Busy Thursday
Thursday afternoon’s recreation period was, in the description of one prefect, “normal” — which means, of course, very busy and fast-paced!
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