All College
Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow
The High School Summer Program students were up early this morning to bid their friends a fond farewell. 
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All College
Nearing the End
We have reached the point in the High School Summer Program when people begin to speak of “lasts.”
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All College
The Last Day
With the completion of today’s classes, we have just about reached the end of the 2016 High School Summer Program!
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All College
“The Steps it Takes to Find Truth”
If students were tired after a busy Wednesday night, that didn’t slow them down at this morning’s class …
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All College
Dancing, Sliding & Tapping Theology
Recap and photos from Wednesday afternoon at the 2018 High School Summer Program
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All College
From Watermelon Polo to Boethius
To escape the heat after yesterday’s Summer Program Quad Run, students quickly found their way to the campus ponds for “watermelon water polo” …
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All College
Props and Floats
Now on to their third day of Euclid, the Summer Program students are becoming ever more comfortable with the “Father of Geometry.”
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