Ken May ('03)
Ken May ('03)

There are those, no doubt, who would argue that Ken May (’03), a cybersecurity expert and CEO, misspent four years of his life by pursuing a Catholic liberal education a


Renewing Catholic SchoolsFor those lamenting the persistent decline of Catholic schools — academic and spiritual, as well as number and reach — or those seeking ways to bring about their revival, alumni educators Dr.

Sean Fitzpatrick ('02)
Sean Fitzpatrick ('02)

As the headmaster of Gregory the Great Academy in Elmhurst, Pennsylvania, Sean Fitzpatrick (’02) knows well the importance of a graduation ceremony in the life of a stu

Grace Kelly ('12)
Grace Kelly ('12)

“Good teachers prove daily that they would give their lives for their students,” observes Grace Kelly (’12).

Rev. Sebastian Walshe, O.Praem. (’94)
Rev. Sebastian Walshe, O.Praem. (’94)

Ever prolific, alumnus priest Rev. Sebastian Walshe, O.Praem.