All College
Hard at Work!
Photos from Monday night’s study hall plus Tuesday afternoon’s class
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All College
News and photos from the first day of the 2016 High School Summer Program.
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All College
Ready to Roll!
This year’s prefects have arrived on campus, and they are working with the Admissions staff on last-minute preparations for the 2016 Summer Program.
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All College
Meet Your 2016 Summer Program Prefects!
This year’s prefects — all students and recent graduates — cannot wait to get to meet this year’s attendees. But until then, you can now “meet” them, virtually, through the following, brief profiles ...
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All College
Summer Program Readings are on Their Way!
Members of the Admissions Staff have spent the last two business days busily assembling packets of great books for attendees of the 2016 High School Summer Program!
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All College
Parting Gifts
The Summer Program comes to an end ...
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All College
Hello, Euclid; Goodbye, Fr. Nick
Monday morning recap
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