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Photos from the Second Annual Summer Program Quad Run!
A new but already beloved Thomas Aquinas College tradition, the Quad Run was inspired by a classic scene from Chariots of Fire …
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Hoops, Props & New England Dreaming
Recap, with many photos, from Monday at the High School Summer Program
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Props Success!
Any jitters that the high school students may have had going into this morning’s class were for naught. 
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Back to the Classroom
Students returned to the classroom this morning, where they worked out Euclid’s definitions, common notions, and postulates in lively discussions.
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The Beach & Santa Barbara
After Sunday Mass, students loaded into three coach buses for a day of adventure.
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Open-Mic Night Photos!
Following volleyball, dinner, and the nightly Rosary, the 2018 Summer Program students headed over to St. Cecilia Hall for a tremendous open-mic night!
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Arts & Fire Night Photos!
Dance class, the Shakespeare Revue, Stations of the Cross, and sing-along  by the Guadalupe Fountain.
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