Raymond Tittmann ('94)

/* /*]]>*/ I always tell people, if you can read Aristotle, you can read an insurance policy. Every time I’m asked to parse a sentence in a policy or debate the meaning of the word ‘occurrence,’ I feel like I’m back in college.

Alex Potts ('14)

/* /*]]>*/ There was a sense of discipline in the intellectual life at Thomas Aquinas College which I think very much carries over into the military, which has discipline permeating throughout the entire structure.

Thomas Alexander ('99)

/* /*]]>*/ Thomas Aquinas College gives you the ability to quickly analyze, break down a particular issue into its parts, put it all back together in a way that makes sense, reach a conclusion, and then go forward.

Katie Ellefson ('15)

/* /*]]>*/ My years at TAC prepared me for nursing in ways I never planned or foresaw. I left with a clearer, more analytical mind; I am able to reason better and, above all, empathize better.

Joanna Kaiser ('15), R.N.

The education and community life at TAC provided me with a solid foundation in the faith and a love of truth that has been a rock to stand on in uncertain times and a shield from the anxiety of the world.



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