New England
Sliding Into Study Time
Having finished their inaugural classes, the students at the New England High School Summer Program were eager to blow off some steam on Monday afternoon!
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New England
On Prophecies and Piety
From the moment students arrived at the High School Summer Program on Sunday, they have been busy getting to know each other and Thomas Aquinas College, New England!
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New England
New Names & Faces
From the moment students arrived at the High School Summer Program on Sunday, they have been busy getting to know each other and Thomas Aquinas College, New England!
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New England
Welcome to Northfield!
In the midst of a hot summer afternoon, the campus of Thomas Aquinas College, New England, was abuzz with laughter and excitement all day Sunday as prefects and staff welcomed nearly 80 high school students for the annual Great Books High School Summer Program!
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Fond Farewells
The California one-week Summer High School Program has come to an end! 
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To the Fullest
While they honored their last day of classes with a banquet on Friday, the students of the High School Summer Program still had one day left to celebrate their achievement and enjoy the company of their new friends. Determined to make the most of it, they lived Saturday to the fullest.
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Basking in the Son
It’s been a wonderful two weeks, capped off by a spectacular final night.
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