Lauretta Brown (’13) interviews Sean Cardinal O’Malley, Archbishop of Boston, at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast in 2014.
Lauretta Brown (’13) interviews Sean Cardinal O’Malley, Archbishop of Boston, at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast in 2014.

With the new year close at


Over time she has come to regard that moment as a blessing. “The truth of it is, I had not done as good a job as I could have,” she admits. She had plenty of excuses. She had written her 300-page treatise on libertarianism and natural law in the dark, early hours of the morning, and late at night — whenever she was not tending to her babies (Marion, now 7, and Winslow, 5) or the family farm and its “rotating menagerie” of animals. “I didn’t do the best that I could have, and God dropkicks you when you do that.”


“Don't like abortion? Don’t have one.” So read the pro-abortion bumper sticker of bygone days. There’s now an addendum: “But pay for mine.”