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The above aerial video of the Thomas Aquinas College campus — shot and edited by Paul Lazenby (’10) — has been named No. 15 on the Great Value College’s 2017 list of Stunning Aerial College Tours via Drone Videos.

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Noble Beauty; Transcendent HolinessThe latest book by alumnus author Dr.

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Nnadozie Onyekuru (’17)
Nnadozie Onyekuru (’17) poses a question to Rep.
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Dr. Pia de Solenni (’93)
Dr. Pia de Solenni (’93)

Less than a year after being named the Theological Consultant to the Office of Bishop in Orange, California, Dr.

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Noble Beauty; Transcendent HolinessAlumnus author Dr. Peter Kwasniewski (’94) has penned a new book about the sacred liturgy that has drawn great praise from many corners — even the central Asian republic of Kazakhstan.