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Dominican House Reception

This fall Anna Langley (’17) became the first Thomas Aquinas College graduate to receive a full scholarship to pursue graduate studies at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C. To celebrate her achievement — and to bring together friends of the College from around the nation’s capital — the Washington, D.C., Board of Regents attended a Mass at the Dominican House, followed by a brunch held in Miss Langley’s honor.

Following the Mass, the Very Rev. John A. Langlois, O.P., president of the Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception at the Dominican House of Studies, graciously hosted the brunch. Some 55 Thomas Aquinas College alumni, members of the Board of Regents, and their families were in attendance.

“Anna Langley is the first recipient of the full scholarship offered to TAC alumni, but we also have another alumnus at the Dominican House of Studies: Louis Knuffke (’16),” says Jim Link, a member of the Washington, D.C., Board of Regents. “Anna is studying for a master’s in theology; Louis is taking prerequisites for a doctorate of sacred theology. Also, Sister Maria Kiely, OSB (’77), teaches Greek at the Dominican House, and tutor Dr. Emerson Hernandez (’97) is a graduate.”

Congratulations to Miss Langley, and thanks to Fr. Langlois for his gracious hospitality. Thank you, also, to Mr. Link, for his help in organizing the event.