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Jane Forsyth (’11) with Dr. Ernest Suarez
Jane Forsyth (’11) with Dr.
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Upon graduating from Thomas Aquinas College in 2017, Brandon Ristoff enrolled in Pepperdine University’s School of Public Policy. He was confident, he said at the time, that the College had prepared him well, giving him a strong philosophical foundation such that “when you actually do policy, you know what is going to work and you understand why it will work.”

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David Shaneyfelt
David Shaneyfelt ('81)

Alumnus attorney David A.

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Drs. Susan (Burnham ’78) and Michael Waldstein (’77) photo: Monica Torreblanca, The Troubador
Drs. Susan (Burnham ’78) and Michael Waldstein (’77)
Constance Graves (’11)
Constance Graves (’11)

The Augustine Institute recently

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Dr. Caroline Johnson
Dr. Caroline Johnson ('97)

Five years ago, the College profiled alumna Dr. Caroline Johnson (’97), who, as a traveling internist, was the portrait of versatility.

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Fr. Miguel Batres
Rev. Miguel Batres, O. Pream. ('08)

One of the College’s newest alumni priests, Rev.