


Book Review
A Little Way of Homeschooling, by Suzie (Zeiter ’87 ) Andres
Reviewed by: Becky (Loop’96) Mohun

A few years ago, when I was reading every book I could find on education and homeschooling, I ran into a definition of virtue in a very fat book on homeschooling written by some Calvinists. They claimed that virtue is doing the right thing when you really don’t want to. The corollary was that in education our job as parents is to force compliance with a predetermined learning schedule, and this will make our children virtuous.



The Meet Our Alumni section of this website features a new profile of Brenna Scanlon (’06), who puts the Faith into action every day as the principal of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish School in Oxnard, Calif. “There has been a real need to make sure that our schools are Catholic, first and foremost, and working on moving these children and their families toward holiness,” she says. A short video about Miss Scanlon and her school is posted below, and you can read the whole profile here.