From Euclid to Hollywood
Well-prepared from last night’s practice sessions, students rose early this morning, ready for their first day of Euclidean propositions. 
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Back to Work, Hoops & Props
Monday saw the students of the California High School Summer Program back in the swing of classes after an exciting weekend, ready to immerse themselves in their second week of studies.
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Getting to the Point
“The ability for people to bounce ideas off each other and then get an instantaneous response is very intriguing to me, especially for things like mathematics,” remarks attendee Joseph F. from Scottsdale, Arizona. 
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Sunday Evening in Santa Barbara
What a Sunday evening for this year’s California High School Summer Program!
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Sunday Morning in Santa Paula
The weekend has already been unforgettable for the students on this year’s California High School Summer Program. But there is still much more to come! 
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Volleyball, Open Mic & A Cinderella Story
Saturday afternoon consisted of a thrilling volleyball tournament. 
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Holy Hike
At the top of the peak was a makeshift altar, and program chaplain Rev. Sebastian Walshe, O.Praem, (’94), offered Holy Mass. 
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