Penultimate Classes and Section Photos!
Proving that they truly are tireless — or, at least, that they will sleep for the first 24 hours when they get home — some 30 programmers and prefects arose extra early this morning for a sunrise hike.
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New England
Meet the Summer Program Prefects: Norah O’Brien (’24)
Although the California High School Summer Program continues, the New England program is just four days away, and so the Summer Blog is taking a moment to introduce Head Women’s Prefect Norah O’Brien (’24).
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From Chariots to Chaplain
Inspired by a classic scene from the 1981 film Chariots of Fire — in which Harold Abrahams successfully completes Cambridge University’s Trinity Great Court Run before the King’s Gate Clock strikes 12 — the California High School Summer Program staged a quad race of its own.
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Equal Angles & Earthly Goods
Now, with math in its more organic state, students saw the inter-connectedness of nearly every mathematical concept.
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Watermelons & Propositions
With only one class that morning, students on the California High School Program found themselves with plenty of free time Tuesday afternoon.
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Demonstrations on Tap
Geometry with Euclid, theology with Fr. Sebastian
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New England
Meet the Summer Program Prefects: Agnes Umana (’25)
We now take another break from the Summer Blog‘s reporting about the ongoing California program to look ahead to the New England Summer Program — which begins on July 24!
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