Evening Euclid & Nighttime Soccer
The excitement of Monday’s classes — “breaking the seal,” as it were, on Euclid and Boethius — carried on well beyond the end of the second session, propelling students on the California High School Summer Program through an intense afternoon and evening of rest, socialization, and study.
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Common Notions and Consolations
Today on the Summer Progam: Euclid and Boethius!
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What a Weekend! (Day Two)
The myriad adventures that characterized the California High School Summer Program on Saturday spilled into a whole new set of adventures on Sunday!
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What a Weekend! (Day One)
Volleyball, Open-Mic Night, BBQ dinner, Rosary procession, a movie & more!
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Morning Mass in the Foothills
Saturday began with a sunrise hike and a Mass in the foothills.
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Friday Night Faith & Follies
Having completed their first week of classes, the students on the California High School Program are now getting their first taste of a TAC weekend.
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Wager, Design & Order
Students would spend the day wrestling with a question of the utmost importance: Can we know by reason that God exists?
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