New England
Students in Boston


Off the heels of Friday’s Open-Mic Night, students on the New England High School Summer Program arose Saturday for the much-anticipated trip to Boston, and they could barely contain their excitement! Following Mass and brunch, students loaded onto buses for the two-hour trip to the Hub. Prefect Luke Cecchi (’24) led the attendees in a traveling prayer on one bus, while Program Chaplain Rev. Miguel Batres, O.Praem. (’08), led the prayers on the other. Once everyone was settled in, the prefects announced that they would be playing Prefect Trivia! Students had a blast guessing facts such as the make and model of Luke’s car and Norah O’Brien’s (’24) real name. “No one will be bored on our watch!” joked Jack Milligan (’26).

As lunchtime rolled around, students filled up on ham-and-cheese sandwiches, apples, granola bars, and trail mix before beginning their big-city adventure. The first stop: the USS Constitution! Built in 1797, the massive relic is the oldest US Naval warship still afloat. Programmers were able to walk the decks and tour the inside of the ship to get a glimpse of what naval life was like in the 18th century. “It’s really amazing to be able to walk inside of this piece of history,” said Jesus D.


Students at the USS Constitution


Next, the students continued along the Freedom Trail, stopping at Paul Revere’s house and Old North Church. On their way, they were delighted by a glass armonica performance in the park. Even a few rain showers couldn’t dampen their spirits as they got ice cream while waiting for dryer weather. Luckily, the sun soon came out, and the programmers got right back to adventuring. Some groups stopped at Old Corner Bookshop to browse antique tomes, while others explored Little Italy and taste-tested delicious cannoli. “I love the brick walls and cobblestone streets,” said Maggie M. “They’re so beautiful!”

Photos: Boston
  • Students in Boston
  • Students in Boston
  • Students in Boston
  • Students in Boston
  • Students in Boston
  • Students in Boston
  • Students in Boston
  • Students in Boston
  • Students in Boston
  • Students in Boston
  • Students in Boston
  • Students in Boston
  • Students in Boston
  • Students in Boston
  • Students in Boston
  • Students in Boston
  • Students in Boston

As the afternoon became evening, students and prefects gathered on the grass at Boston Commons for a dinner of authentic Italian pizza. “Boston sure knows how to make pizza,” said Vincent P. Attendees shared their favorite parts of the day, ranging from the museums and exhibits to the street performers and city views. Then they all headed back to their buses for the drive back to Northfield, during which they prayed the Rosary.




Back on campus, the group finished the night with a bonfire, toasty s’mores, and hot cocoa. Today, students will go kayaking on the Connecticut River, so there won’t be another post until Monday morning. Make sure to check back then to read about the programmers’ river day fun!


Back on campus, the group finished the night with a bonfire, toasty s’mores, and hot cocoa. Today, students will go kayaking on the Connecticut River, so there won’t be another post until Monday morning. Make sure to check back then to read about the programmers’ river day fun!

