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Josefina Altamiranda (’18)
Josefina Altamiranda (’18)


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"I would say I am more of an entrepreneur than anything else,” says Karen Walker (’76), seasoned journalist, PR professional, and founder of the Catholic Business Journal and “The Mentors Radio” show. Since graduating from the College in 1976, Ms. Walker has built a career around bringing together Catholics in the business world. 

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Sean Fitzpatrick
Sean Fitzpatrick (’ 02)

In a recent article for the National Catholic Register,

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Junior Shakespeare
From this fall’s performance of King Lear at Thomas Aquinas College, California


To read or not to read Shakespeare, that is the question. And for the students of Thomas Aquinas College, the answer is “Yes, and lots of it!”

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Lucia Cammarota“I’m glad to be helping a Catholic organization that is doing such good work,” says Lucia Cammarota (CA’23), who works for the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS), where she supports campus missionaries behind-the-scenes from the organization’s Denver headquarters.

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Rev. Augustine Hilander, O.P. (’99)
Rev. Augustine Hilander, O.P. (’99) preaches a homily during a visit to the California campus last month. 


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“Fasting cleanses the soul, raises the mind, subjects one's flesh to the spirit, renders the heart contrite and humble, scatters the clouds of concupiscence, quenches the fire of lust, kindles the true light of chastity.”

—St. Augustine


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By Suzie Andres (’87)


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