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The video of a grief-stricken family singing the Regina Caeli before a statue of the Blessed Mother — which somehow survived the fire that destroyed the family’s Altadena, California, h

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Carol and Dr. Henry Zeiter
Carol and Henry Zeiter


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Anthony Grumbine“I am absolutely thrilled to join the Board,” says Anthony Grumbine (’00), an award-winning architect whom the Thomas Aquinas College Board of Governors elected to its ranks in October.

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Rev. Ramon Decaen (’96).
Rev. Ramon Decaen (’96)


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Founded in 1994, The Aquinas Review is a semi-annual publication of Thomas Aquinas College. Its aim is to provide a forum for a deeper consideration of those matters that constitute the College’s curriculum and are central to genuine Catholic liberal education. Consistent with the nature of the College, The Aquinas Review is marked by fidelity to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church and a respect for the great tradition of liberal learning, which is our common heritage.

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