Prefects and attendees kicked the break off (literally!) with a game of soccer. The first half of the game had the team captained by prefect Andrew Rossi’s (’13) in the lead y a score of 2-0. In the second half, however, student Jonathan M. rallied Admissions Counselor Jean Guerrero’s (’22) team to pick up the pace, scoring two goals and bringing the game to a tie. Observers were hushed as the game went into overtime, holding their breath to see which team would come out on top.
In the last few minutes, Jonathan M. astounded everyone by scoring his third goal of the day, ending the game with a score of 2-3. “He was amazing!” said Mr. Guerreiro. After soccer, many programmers jumped in the pool to cool off as prefects started a game of water polo. Students were still playing as dinner started. Excited at the prospect of fish tacos, though, they quickly dried off and headed to the dining hall.
During dinner, the room was abuzz with discussion of the evening’s Open-Mic Night! “I’m so excited to see what everyone is performing,” said Katie C. With over a dozen acts by the talented programmers lined up, the night’s entertainment was sure to be a hit. First, however, students took a break from their Friday festivities to pray the Stations of the Cross. “Stations was so peaceful and beautiful,” said Maria E.

Next came the nightly trip to the Coffee Shop, where attendees sipped on pina colada smoothies topped with cherries as they played pool, foosball, or ping-pong. Other students practiced the swing-dance steps they had learned on Thursday.