Guests at 2023 Thomistic Summer Conference


Now entering its third consecutive year, the Thomistic Summer Conference is becoming a tradition at Thomas Aquinas College, California. This June 13-16, visiting scholars will reflect on “Virtue, Law, and the Common Good,” with submissions now open for paper proposals.

St. Thomas’s writings on morality form a complex doctrinal cathedral, but he founds this theological edifice on a few key, interrelated ideas: virtue and law (intrinsic and extrinsic principles of the moral life, respectively), both of which aim at the common good (the end of the moral life). Papers for this year’s Thomistic Summer Conference will address questions about the relationships of virtue to happiness, of natural to human law, of law to justice, and of the political common good to the common good of the heavenly city.

Virtue, Law, and the Common Good | Thomas Aquinas College, California | June 13-16, 2024

This year’s featured speakers include Dr. Christopher Kaczor of Loyola Marymount University, Dr. Michael Pakaluk of The Catholic University of America, Rev. Sebastian Walshe, O. Praem., of St. Michael’s Abbey in Silverado, California, and the College’s own Dr. John J. Goyette and Dr. John Francis Nieto.

Registration remains open until May 13, but paper proposals must be submitted no later than February 19. Authors will be notified by February 29.

