We welcome papers on St. Thomas as theologian and philosopher as well as papers on the substantive content of his thought—especially on those subjects that were of special interest to McInerny. Possible topics may include:
- The notion of a perennial philosophy
- St. Thomas as a model of love of wisdom
- St. Thomas on the praeambula fidei and on the relation between faith and reason
- St. Thomas as commentator on Aristotle and, conversely, the importance of the philosophy of Aristotle in the thought of St. Thomas
- Aristotelian-Thomistic philosophy of nature and modern science
- Thomistic approaches to contemporary theories of ethics and natural law
- St. Thomas on analogy
- The intersection of the thought of St. Thomas and Dante, Kierkegaard, and St. John Henry Newman
Preference will be given to paper proposals that fit under the conference theme and engage directly with the text of St. Thomas. Most presenters should plan on roughly 20-25 minutes reading time, with additional time for Q&A.
Please submit a titled, 500-word abstract by January 28, 2025. Authors will be notified by February 14, 2025.