
On Monday morning, Thomas Aquinas College , California, held its annual Convocation day, welcoming some 98 freshmen who hail from 4 countries and 22 states — the Class of 2025.

Coming just two days after Convocation on the College’s New England campus, the day began with a Mass of the Holy Spirit in Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity Chapel, with the Most Rev. Joseph E. Strickland, Bishop of Tyler, Texas, serving as the principal celebrant and homilist. “In this place, in this time, in the classes you will shortly begin, pray that the Holy Spirit, the Lord of Truth, will pour forth His goodness, His hope, and His joy into your hearts,” His Excellency told the freshmen. “Your strength comes from the Lord, your light comes from the Lord, and if you are to be our hope, that hope comes from the Lord.”

Convocation Mass of the Holy Spirit
  • The faculty of the College fills their pews in full academic regalia
  • Mr. Grimm leads the choir
  • Overhead view: the Mass begins
  • Fr. Paul Raftery, O.P. proclaims the Gospel
  • His Excellency delivers a homily from the pulpit
  • Another view of the seated faculty
  • Dr. Seeley does one of the readings at the pulpit
  • His Excellency incenses the altar
  • The crossbearer and acolytes begin the recession
  • The bishop recedes, blessing the congregation
  • The tutors exit their pews and join the recession
  • The tutors pass through the Chapel doors
  • A view down the aisle from the doors, with people still in prayer in the pews

The group then gathered for the Matriculation Ceremony in St. Cecilia Lecture and Concert Hall. There, as Director of Admissions Jon Daly called each freshman by name, the students came forward, one at a time, to greet President Michael F. McLean and Bishop Strickland. They then signed their names in the College’s registry, thus beginning their tenure as students at Thomas Aquinas College.

In addition to the new students, the College welcomed its newest tutors: Mr. James Berquist and Dr. Joseph Zepeda. With Head Chaplain Rev. Paul Raftery, O.P., leading them, the educators made the Profession of Faith an Oath of Fidelity , as do all new Catholic members of the College’s teaching faculty.

Dr. McLean then delivered his Matriculation Address, telling the new students that they “are an important part of a wonderful and perhaps even miraculous accomplishment” in God’s plan for the renewal of Catholic education. “From remarkably humble beginnings, and with little in the way of financial resources, the founders of Thomas Aquinas College set out to implement a vision of Catholic liberal education which is at once rigorously academic and in full communion with the teaching Church,” he explained. Marking its 50th anniversary this year, “Thomas Aquinas College is now thriving on both coasts and is a leader among Catholic colleges and universities in America.”

Bishop Strickland next gave his remarks to the College’s newest and youngest students. “Remember, being small in the Lord is glorious, because He is the Lord of all,” His Excellency said. “Thank you for your willing to take on the rigor that this place is about, in moral character, in academic learning, in doing your best in all things. Thank you for being a freshman of Thomas Aquinas College, and God bless you.”

The culmination of the day then came when Dr. McLean proclaimed the start of College’s 51st academic year — to which the students responded with loud and sustained applause. In gratitude and joy, members of the faculty and Board of Governors then processed out of St. Cecilia Hall, all singing “Immaculate Mary” on their way.

Matriculation Ceremony
  • The faculty files into the auditorium
  • The students fill the auditorium seating
  • The tutors, standing, are all assembled
  • Jon Daly calls up freshmen to sign the Register
  • Fr. Paul speaks at the podium
  • Fr. Paul leads the new tutors in their Oath of Fidelity
  • Dr. McLean addresses the assembled student body
  • A student shakes the hand of the bishop as he is called up
  • Another student shakes the Bishop's hand
  • A student signs the register
  • Another incoming students signing the register
  • Another freshman signs the register
  • A student signing the register
  • Another student signs the register
  • A student, smiling slightly, sets down her signature in the register
  • Dr. McLean addresses the students from the podium
  • His Excellency addresses the students
  • Jon Daly makes some additional remarks from the podium
  • His Excellency leads the assembly in prayer
  • The tutors file out of the auditorium
  • Another view of the tutors filing out