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This Lent, include the Stations of the Cross among your daily devotions. For the eighth year, Thomas Aquinas College is making available to all its friends the following, five-minute video. The video features “The Franciscan Way of the Cross” as read by TAC students and graduates, accompanied by the music of Chrysostomos, a student choir. It also portrays beautiful photography of the Via Dolorosa on the California campus’ lower drive —14 scenes that vividly depict Our Lord’s Passion and death.




Also known as the “Short Way of the Cross,” these reflections date back to the 16th century. Franciscan Friars have often used them, over the centuries, while preaching missions. Those who sign up will receive e-mailed prayer reminders each morning, Monday through Saturday, along with a daily list of intentions prepared by California Head Chaplain Rev. Robert Marczewski.

Please join us in prayer throughout this Lenten Season.


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