Prayers for an Upcoming Ordination!
Please pray for Rev. Mr. Patrick Seo (’06), who, by God’s grace, will be ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Newark, New Jersey, on Saturday, May 27.
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Honoring Dr. McArthur in Denver
The Institute for Catholic Education is hosting a dinner this summer at which it will honor Thomas Aquinas College’s founding president, Dr. Ronald P. McArthur.
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Update on Andrew Baird (’04)
Andrew Baird (’04) has written in with an update on his medical condition.
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​ “Falling in Love with Fatima”
In honor of Saturday’s 100th anniversary of Our Lady’s First apparition at Fatima, Catholic Exchange has re-posted a 2015 essay by alumna Suzie Andres (’87).
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Prayers for Andrew Baird (’04)
Andrew Baird (’04) is in a Wisconsin hospital, suffering from cancer throughout his lungs, pelvis, and upper body. Please keep him and his family in your prayers.
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Alumna Mom Completes Master’s Degree in Theology
Catherine (Connelly ’11) O’Brien successfully defended her thesis, thereby completing her master’s degree in theology at The Catholic University of America.
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Video: Alumnus Lectures on “Restoring Beauty in Sacred Architecture”
“Where did it all go wrong?” asks alumnus architect Erik Bootsma (’01), in a recent lecture before Chicago’s Catholic Arts Guild.
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