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Our Lady of Fatima
Our Lady of Fatima International Pilgrim Statue / Flickr


In honor of Saturday’s 100th anniversary of Our Lady’s First apparition at Fatima, Catholic Exchange has re-posted Falling in Love with Fatima, a 2015 essay by alumna Suzie Andres (’87). In telling the story of how she came to develop a devotion to Sister Lúcia and Our Lady of Fatima, she recounts seven key “Fatima take-aways,” concluding with a beautiful reflection:

“Although Our Lady provided a miracle for 70,000 people on October 13, 1917, it was to three small shepherd children that she entrusted her secrets, and these children, through Lucia, entrusted her secrets to the Church. Let us gratefully receive the reassurance of Lucia and the Church as coming to us from heaven. We are too late to witness the miracle of the sun, but we can witness the miracle of Fatima to this day, and even participate in it by saying our Rosary, as Our Lady has asked us to do.”

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!