All College


Andrew Baird (’04) and Steve Fitzpatrick (’04)
Andrew Baird (’04) and Steve Fitzpatrick (’04)

Andrew Baird (’04), who is battling cancer, has sent in the following update on his condition:

Last I wrote, Fr Josh Mayer (’03) was here with me in the hospital and I had just finished my first round of chemotherapy. I have since gone home to recover, done my second round of treatment as an outpatient, and am now being visited by Steve Fitzpatrick (’04) and am at home recovering once again. In the words of my family doctor, all has gone remarkably well so far. That said, “remarkably well” has been a bit of a surprise, and the war rages on. There’s still a long road ahead.

Thank you, beyond words, for all of the prayers, works, joys, and sufferings you’ve offered up for me. I believe, now more than ever, that they have a great deal to do with why I am doing so well. Our Lord said, “Ask and it will be given to you.” Please continue to ask God for my healing. I will continue to keep all of you in my prayers.

Continued prayers for Andrew and his family!