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Siobhan Heekin-Canedy (’18)
Siobhan Heekin-Canedy (’18)

When she competed in the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, Siobhan Heekin-Canedy (’18) witnessed firsthand the spectacle and grandeur of the games.

All College
Rayonnant Gothic rose window (north transept), Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral*
Rayonnant Gothic rose window (north transept), Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral*

“The heart of Paris has fallen in fire, and Catholics are heartbroken,” observes alumnus author

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David Shaneyfelt
David Shaneyfelt ('81)

Alumnus attorney David A.

Constance Graves (’11)
Constance Graves (’11)

The Augustine Institute recently

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Angela Connelly
Angela Connelly ('87)

“Who says Christmastime has to be perfect?” asks Angela (Andersen ’87) Connelly, in a new column for the News Tribune

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Sarah EllefsonAlumna entrepreneur Sarah (De Laveaga ’14) Ellefson returned to campus in the waning days of the fall semester to deliver what she billed as “the talk I wish I heard” while still in school — “Five Tips for Starting a Creative Business after College.”

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Dr. Caroline Johnson
Dr. Caroline Johnson ('97)

Five years ago, the College profiled alumna Dr. Caroline Johnson (’97), who, as a traveling internist, was the portrait of versatility.