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Fr. Miguel Batres
Rev. Miguel Batres, O. Pream. ('08)

One of the College’s newest alumni priests, Rev.

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Be sure not to miss these recent articles by alumni writers:

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Fr. Sebastian  Walshe, O. Pream.
Rev. Sebastian Walshe, O.Praem. (’94), is a regular guest on Catholic Answers Live.
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Sophia Feingold (’09)
Sophia Feingold (’09)

In response to the ongoing news of abuse and cover-up in the Church, alumna writer Sophia (Mason ’09) Feingold observes that the revived scandal has led critics to renew their calls to end priestly celibacy.

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Rev. Mr. Andrew De Silva
Rev. Mr. Andrew De Silva (’03)

“In spite of all this,” writes the Rev. Mr. Andrew De Silva (’03) of the Church’s ongoing abuse scandal,  “I still feel called by God. Am I naive?”

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Jon B. Syren
Jon B.
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Emily Sullivan
Emily Sullivan ('11)

Two alumnae have recently published thoughtful essays about last month’s tragic referendum in Ireland, in which voters embraced the culture of death by eliminating constitutional protections for the unborn.

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Life Legal
Life Legal attorneys, including Katie Short (’80, third from right), with the family of Stephanie Packer, whose insurance company said it would pay for “aid-in-dying” drugs, but not the chemotherapy she needed.

After two years of vigorous legal battle, an alumni-led legal team has succeeded in ov