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In keeping with the spooky season, sophomores on Thomas Aquinas College’s two campuses threw Halloween dances for their classmates this past Saturday. 

In New England, the Class of 2026 staged a jailbreak-themed dance. Costumed dancegoers, thinking they were entering Bl. Frassati Student Center, ventured through the doors and arrived instead at Bl. Frassati Correctional Facility, complete with squad cars, chains, and wanted posters!

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Fr. Masteller at his homecoming mass in 2021
Rev. Michael Masteller (’13) at a 2021 Mass of Thanksgiving at Thomas Aquinas College, California


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Charles Norman
Charles Norman

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Charles R. Norman, a generous benefactor and friend of Thomas Aquinas College, who passed away on October 2. 

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J. R. and Claire Smeed
J. R. and Claire Smeed

Please pray for the repose of the soul of J. R. Smeed, a generous benefactor and friend of Thomas Aquinas College, who passed away on October 13.

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To commemorate the tenth anniversary of the death of Thomas Aquinas College’s founding president, Dr. Ronald P. McArthur, on October 17, the College honored its pater patriae with sung Requiem Masses on both coasts.

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Dr. Ron McArthur


By Anne S. Forsyth (’81)


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Dr. Ron McArthur


On Tuesday, October 17, Thomas Aquinas College will mark the 10th anniversary of the passing of its founding president, Dr. Ronald P. McArthur, by hosting a Missa Cantata on both campuses.