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We will mark the 10th anniversary of Dr. McArthur’s passing by offering a Missa Cantata on both campuses:

  • In California, Mass will be offered at 11:15 a.m. by Rev. Hildebrand (James ’78) Garceau, O.Praem., a Norbertine priest of St. Michael’s Abbey, and sung by the College’s Chant Schola under the direction of Tutor Dr. John Nieto (’89).
  • On our New England campus, Mass will be offered at 4:45 p.m. by Head Chaplain Rev. Greg Markey, with music by the College Choir under the direction of Stephen Grimm (’75).
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Sophia (Mason ’09) Feingold
Sophia (Mason ’09) Feingold

Writing in the National Catholic Register, Sophia (Mason ’09) Feingold reflects on Mary’s Magnificat to devel

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The New York Times LogoThe latest education Issue of the New York Times Magazine features an updated version of its College-Access Index, “a list of the country’s most selective universities ranked in order of economic diversity.” Echoing its 

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Visiting season is here!

Over the next few months, Thomas Aquinas College will welcome prospective students from across the country and abroad to come see the campuses, attend classes, and sample the College’s rich spiritual and community life. When these visitors come, they stay with current students in the residence halls, thereby getting the full TAC experience.

Earlier this week, to thank these student hosts for their hospitality, the Admissions Office held barbeques in their honor on both campuses.