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Dear Friend,

I have some very sad news to share. An incoming freshman on our California campus, John Kozak, passed away unexpectedly late last night at a nearby hotel, where he was staying with family. We are all deeply grieved. 

John’s parents have asked for the prayers of our College community, and so we ask you to join those of us on both our campuses in praying for John and the consolation of his family.

At their practice seminar on Friday, our freshmen read C.S. Lewis’s “Learning in Wartime,” a poignant essay which argues for the value of persevering in one’s studies, even — or, perhaps, especially — during times of distress. In that steadfast spirit, we will formally begin the academic year on the California campus, as planned, at Monday’s Convocation.

Please pray for our students, as they undertake their important work under these sorrowful circumstances. The College’s chaplains and counselors are available for any students who wish to speak to them. Please pray also for John and his parents, who are grateful for your prayers.

May the peace of Christ, which surpasses all understanding, be with you and your family.


Paul O'Reilly signature

Paul J. O’Reilly, Ph.D.