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Looking Back … and Looking Ahead

by Paul J. O’Reilly, Ph.D. (’84)
Thomas Aquinas College
Alumni Association Dinner
June 25, 2022


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Matthew Kelsey (’95)Alumnus lawyer Matthew Kelsey (’95) has joined the ranks of Alston & Bird LLP, a nationally and internationally recognized law firm with a

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Claire Murphy (’20)
Claire Murphy (’20)

Among the 27 lecturers to present talks at last month’s

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Dr. John W. Neumayr


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Students laugh and discuss text around a table, below which the FWG 2022 banner is displayed

With late-arriving checks finally counted, it can now safely be determined that friends of Thomas Aquinas College contributed more than $1 million to the 2022

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Please pray for the repose of the soul of Jim Tierney, who died on Saturday after a 16-year battle with cancer. A longtime member of the Los Angeles & Ventura Board of Regents, Mr. Tierney was a faithful friend of Thomas Aquinas College. Please also pray for the consolation of his wife, Kendra, and their 10 children.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord
and let perpetual light shine upon him.
May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.

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Dr. John W. Neumayr

On Monday night Thomas Aquinas College lost one of its beloved founders, a longtime member of the teaching faculty who also served as its first dean and was, for more than 50 years, a member of its Board of Governors: Dr. John W. Neumayr. “Fitting for the 4th of July,” wrote his daughter, Jane Nemcova (’98).

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For the first time since Thomas Aquinas College opened the doors of its New England campus in 2019, the faculty of both coasts convened in California earlier this month for discussions and fellowship, assessing the current state of the curriculum, and bringing old colleagues together once more.