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“Today You Begin an Enormously Worthwhile Pursuit”


by Paul J. O’Reilly, Ph.D.
President, Thomas Aquinas College
California Convocation
August 22, 2022 


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Mary Catherine Froula (’19)
Mary Catherine Froula (’19)

Among the 50 presenters at the Sacra Doctrina Project’s

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Rev. Nicholas Blaha (’02)
Rev. Nicholas Blaha (’02)
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Richard and Maria Grant
Richard and Maria Grant at a 2009 dinner celebrating the dedication of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity Chapel

Richard A. Grant, a stalwart champion of the Catholic faith who dedicated his life to the work of Catholic education, passed away this morning.

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by Thomas J. Susanka
Funeral for Dr. John W. Neumayr
Thomas Aquinas College, California
July 25, 2022


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Friends and family gathered on July 25 at Thomas Aquinas College , California, to pay their respects to Dr. John W. “Jack” Neumayr, a beloved founder, tutor, and governor who died on July 4. The day was marked by prayer, friendship, and reminiscing late into the afternoon about Dr. Neumayr’s singular character and accomplishments.

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