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Rev. Sebastian Walshe, O.Praem. (’94)
Rev. Sebastian Walshe, O.Praem.
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On the evening of Saturday, March 11, the members of the Thomas Aquinas College Class of 2023 submitted the final drafts of their Senior Theses, one of the last steps on their road to graduation. In both California and in New England, seniors celebrated with their classmates and faculty to commemorate completing this rite of passage — in California, students even rang a ceremonial bell for every thesis received!

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ADG 2023 postcard


“When we made plans for this year’s Alumni Day of Giving, we briefly considered setting a goal of $200,000,” says Dr. Paul J. O’Reilly (’84), Thomas Aquinas College’s first alumnus president. “But we quickly discarded that idea, thinking it too ambitious.”

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Lauren (Washburn ’03) Rogers
Lauren (Washburn ’03) Rogers

Lauren (Washburn ’03) Rogers has joined the faculty at Michigan State University College of Law as a teaching fellow in the school’s Housing Justice Clinic, integrating her love of learning with the dream of ensuring that the law serves fam

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Mary Bridget (O’Hara ’17) and Ben Hamerl (’19)
Mary Bridget (O’Hara ’17) and Ben Hamerl (’19)

Benjamin Hamerl (’19) is a sales manager at Bisco Industries by day, a husband and father at all times — and a precision craftsman at dawn.

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Dr. Nathan Schmiedicke (’00)A professor of exegesis at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary in Denton, Nebraska, Dr.

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Siohban Heekin-Canedy (’18)
Siohban Heekin-Canedy (’18)

In a recent article for America media,

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To mark Ash Wednesday, students, faculty, and families at Thomas Aquinas College’s two campuses gathered for Mass and to receive their ashes.

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With Lent just around the corner, the juniors of Thomas Aquinas College helped their fellow students celebrate Mardi Gras this past Saturday with dances on both coasts.