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A distinguished philanthropist and a noted prelate have agreed to serve as Thomas Aquinas College’s two Commencement Speakers for 2023: in New England, Daniel Flatley, a trustee of The Flatley Foundation; and in California, the Most Rev. James D. Conley, Bishop of Lincoln.

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Timothy McNeil (’21), fourth from left, with fellow Culture of Life missionaries
Timothy McNeil (’21), fourth from left, with fellow Culture Project missionaries


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Holy Week has come to Thomas Aquinas College, beginning with the distinctive liturgy of Palm Sunday. On both the California and New England campuses, students gathered for the blessing of palms, processing into their respective chapels in imitation of the disciples, who celebrated Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem, where only a few minutes later the Gospel recounted Our Lord’s Passion.

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Owen Sweeney (’97)

After only three years working at the Chamber of Commerce in Lander, Wyoming, Owen Sweeney (’97) has joined the Board of Directors for the State Chamber of Commerce, at the behest of professional peers across God’s country. “It was a humbling honor to be asked,” laughs Mr. Sweeney, “because I still consider myself to be very much a newbie at this!”

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Donna Florence ConnA dear friend and benefactor of Thomas Aquinas, Donna Florence Conn — wife of deceased College governor

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With St. Patrick’s Day falling on a Lenten Friday, the students of Thomas Aquinas College fasted on Friday, but feasted on Saturday.

At Thomas Aquinas College California, the hills surrounding campus were a fitting lush emerald green thanks to this semester’s record rainfall. Donning green of any kind, students, and some faculty members with their families, gathered in the St. Joseph Commons, where they found a stage, lights, and dance floor. It wasn’t long before the fun began!

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California prefects
California prefects

When new students arrive at Thomas Aquinas College, the first peers they meet, aside from their fellow freshmen, of course, are the prefects. These are the seniors, juniors, and sophomores who greet newcomers and their families at the welcome tables.

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Adeodatus logo
Adeodatus logo designed by Michaela Lessard (’23)

From June 21-24, leading Catholic educators will converge on Pasadena, California, for the first Ade