All College



Two weeks into the new academic year, students, staff, and faculty on both campuses enjoyed last Saturday’s annual All-College BBQ, celebrating the beginning of the school year with friendly competition, a tasty dinner, and vibrant camaraderie. 

To kick things off in New England, students competed against one another in a tug-of-war to see which class was the strongest. A muddy battle of muscles ensued, with everyone striving to claim the victory for their class. Despite valiant efforts from the freshmen, sophomores, and seniors, the juniors came out on top, winning the day for the Class of 2026 — two years in a row! 

After the tug-of-war, students rinsed off with another TAC specialty: a giant slip-n-slide! Suds and smiles flew as all waited in line for their turn to zip down the soapy, slippery slope.

Photos: New England
  • All-College BBQ
  • All-College BBQ
  • All-College BBQ
  • All-College BBQ
  • All-College BBQ
  • All-College BBQ
  • All-College BBQ
  • All-College BBQ
  • All-College BBQ
  • All-College BBQ
  • All-College BBQ
  • All-College BBQ
  • All-College BBQ
  • All-College BBQ
  • All-College BBQ

Once everyone was dried off, it was time for the barbeque: Tutors and their families began arriving at the Bl. Frassati Student Center, greeted enthusiastically by students. “There aren’t many colleges where the assistant dean greets you by name,” commented Will Claeys (’27). The Student Center buzzed with conversation and laughter. 

“It’s wonderful to see the community coming together,” said Dr. Stephen Shivone, assistant dean of student affairs. “It really drives home that, at TAC, we don’t have two communities, separating students and faculty families, but one community to which everyone belongs.” 

In California, school spirit and temperatures were high as students celebrated the beginning of the school year in the midst of a heat wave! In spite of a week of temperatures spiking over 100°F, students gathered on the fairway for their own inter-class tug-of-war. Each team tried its best to pull the other through the mud pit that divided them. In the end, the freshmen tugged their way to victory, proving that, despite being newcomers, they have class spirit to rival the more experienced classes. “I think they cheated! I’m taking it to the Dean,” joked sophomore Gavin Lyons (’27) after his class lost to the freshmen.

Photos: California
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The freshmen’s triumph was quickly superseded by an all-out mud fight in the tug-of-war mud pit. Then, hot and muddy, the group jumped into the campus ponds to wash off and keep cool. Leaving the pond behind, but unwilling to let the hot sun keep them dry, the Californians likewise spent the remainder of the afternoon on a giant slip-n-slide. They soaked themselves with hoses, lathered up with soap, and took running starts to gain as much speed as possible down the slide. 

For dinner, students, joined by faculty, staff, and their families, came together for the barbeque picnic. Everyone filled their plates and sat around tables for good food and conversation, looking forward to the rest of the school year and the many blessings in store.