New England
The Temporal and the Eternal
At Thursday’s class, students contemplated Søren Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling and Pascal’s famous “Wager.”
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New England
From Athletics to Adoration
Wednesday held many novel and marvelous experiences for the students on the 2021 New England High School Summer Program.  
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New England
Bl. Stanley Rother, Pray for Us!
After Mass, Chaplain Rev. Miguel Batres, O.Praem. (’08) offered a blessing with a relic of Bl. Stanley Rother, an American priest who was martyred in Guatemala 40 years ago on this day. 
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New England
Pre-Socratics, Post Meridiem
Having grappled with the writings of Empedocles, Democritus, and Epicurus in their second class of the day, the 2021 New High School Summer Program students spent the remainder of Tuesday afternoon in bouts of soccer, volleyball, and Spikeball.
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New England
Perspectives on Piety
This morning’s discussion centered around Sophocles’ Antigone, and the polarizing figures of Creon and Antigone herself.
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New England
Sections & Sundaes, Anticipating Antigone
After Monday’s second class, in which students discussed piety, the essence of virtue, and definition in Plato’s Euthryphro, the group made its way down to one of the campus’ athletic fields for the Section Games.
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New England
The First Day
The first full day of the New England 2021 High School Summer Program has begun! 
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