New England
More Spots in High School Summer Program!
With the continued growth of the New England campus, Thomas Aquinas College has expanded enrollment for this summer’s Great Book High School Program, to be held July 9-22 in Northfield, Massachusetts.
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New England
Announcing the Head Prefects for the 2023 High School Summer Program!
Following up on our earlier story, in which we announced the head prefects for the 2023 Great Books High School Summer Program in California, we are now pleased to announce their counterparts for New England!
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Announcing the Head Prefects for 2023 High School Summer Program!
The 2023 High School Summer Great Books Program is less than three months away, and Thomas Aquinas College is pleased to introduce the leaders who will spearhead this year’s team of prefects in California.
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New England
The 2022 New England Summer Program Video!
Having previously posted the video slideshow from the California 2022 High School Summer Program, we now present the New England slideshow. Enjoy!
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Postscript: The 2022 California Summer Program Video!
Many students from the 2022 California High School Summer Program have asked to see the video slideshow that prefects showed on the final night of the program. Here it is!
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New England
Waking up groggy after little, if any, sleep following a night of dancing and farewells, students on the New England Great Books High School Summer Program began departing campus as early as 3:30 this morning to make their flights home. 
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New England
Last Night in Northfield ’22
Friday was a day of “lasts” for the New England High School Summer Program, but everyone was determined to enjoy this final afternoon all together. 
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