New England
Euclid’s Point
Today’s slender reading assignment covered Euclid’s definitions, postulates, and common notions, together no more than a few paragraphs. They seemed simple — almost too simple, some thought.
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Settling In
Having safely arrived on campus, attendees on the California High School Summer Program spent Sunday afternoon coming to know each other, the community, and the place they will call home for the next two weeks.
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New England
A Day of Rest
Although the weather held up for Saturday’s volleyball tournament and excursions, it did not, alas, for Sunday’s planned kayaking trip along the Connecticut River.
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Welcome to Santa Paula!
For the last week, this blog has been running posts from the High School Summer Program in New England. We now broaden our focus to include reports from the California campus, which begins its Summer Program today!
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New England
A Day Full of Beauty and Joy
Saturday was a day full of beauty and joy, and the students went to bed with colorful paintings still in their mind’s eye — and sweeping opera ringing in their ears.
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New England
Art, Music, and Jeopardy!
Friday night was full of fun and surprises at the New England High School Summer Program!
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New England
Of Wagers, Bees, and God
Today’s readings on the New England High School Summer Program juxtaposed several answers to one of the most pressing of all questions: What is the relationship between faith and reason?
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