Summer Program Welcome Table


Sunday marked the beginning of a week of adventure and learning for high school students arriving for the first-ever one-week Great Books Summer Program at Thomas Aquinas College, California. Current TAC students and recent alumni, excited to be serving as Summer Program prefects, welcomed the students to campus as they arrived from all over the country, from California to New York, Alaska, and many places in between — and in one case, as far as Spain!

Whether they arrived by car or on buses with the prefects who met them at the airport, the students had to travel a bit farther than usual to reach this year’s Summer Program, due to the mudslide that has blocked the shortest route to the College since February. Once they arrived on campus, however, the students quickly settled into the residence halls that will be their homes away from home for the next week. After a busy day of traveling, the high schoolers have been unpacking and meeting their roommates before this evening’s events. 

In the week to come, these high schoolers will be able to participate in the discussion-based classes, rich spiritual life, and welcoming community that are distinctive to TAC. The week will, no doubt, be a time for good conversation, new friendships, and lots of fun. Above all, the prefects look forward to giving the students of the Great Books Summer Program a taste of what life at TAC is like. They hope that the students will love it as much as they do!

We will be posting updates and photos here on the Summer Blog twice on most days throughout the week, so visit often. Tomorrow morning, we will have a full report on all of this afternoon and tonight’s activities!