New England

This blog will now take another break from its ongoing reporting about the California High School Summer Program to discuss the New England program, which begins on July 25. Below is the second of two stories profiling a few of the TAC students who will be serving as prefects. (See Part 1.)


Tanner Sheffield (’23)

Tanner Sheffield (’23)

Finding himself out on TAC’s New England campus, Tanner Sheffield (’23) of Ubicity, California, will be a summer prefect for the third time. Last summer he was involved with the Summer Programs on both coasts and “loved both.” A music aficionado, Tanner marvels at the TAC music scene: “It’s one of my favorite things; there’s so much talent.” He hopes one day to record a compilation album of the local music. “It would be a lot of work, but I would love every second of it.” He looks forward to meeting the attendees and seeing everyone’s talents on display at the Summer Program’s Open Mic Night. 


Mary O’Reilly (’22)

Mary O’Reilly (’22)

“We spent the whole day on the Connecticut River,” says Mary O’Reilly (’22), recalling her favorite memory from last year’s Summer Program. “We had a barbeque, swam, and played a ton of games.” A onetime program attendee, Mary excitedly anticipates her second summer as a prefect. “There’s magic to be found at Northfield wherever you look,” she says. “The Connecticut River and nearby trails are incredible.” Mary will spend the rest of her summer working for Mother of Divine Grace School, preparing for her Senior Thesis, and playing tennis, her “favorite game in the world.” She will also be spending time with her family in Ojai, California.


Paul Habsburg (’24)

Paul Habsburg (’24)

Born in Austria and currently living in Rome, Paul Habsburg (’24) awaits his first summer as a prefect in Northfield. Paul cites TAC’s learning methodology as his prime reason to come as far as he did for an education. “The uniqueness of [the Discussion Method] intrigued me enough to decide against university in Vienna,” he reflects. “I’m happy to say it’s been worth it.” When he’s on campus, Paul loves hiking, talking with tutors, and taking advantage of the rich spiritual life. He plans to spend the rest of his summer with his family in the countryside and interning for the Austrian Parliament. 


Dan Selmeczy (’08)

Daniel Selmeczy (’08)

A teacher at St. Monica Academy in Pasadena, Dan Selmeczy (’08) lives in Ojai, but — after completing the California program — will fly out to Massachusetts for the New England program, his 17th as a prefect! Dan is famous for serving as the program’s dance instructor, a job he loves. “A liberal arts education has helped me to live a happier life,” Dan says. “Going to TAC led to my conversion and has since allowed me to see the extraordinary in the ordinary, for which I am grateful.” To top off a wonderful summer, Dan looks forward to his wedding on August 14.


Abigail Cain (’23)

Abigail Cain (’23)

Like Dan, San Diego resident Abigail Cain (’23) will find herself in Northfield for the New England Summer Program upon concluding her work as a prefect in California. The middle child between two brothers, she has an affinity for the outdoors. Her favorite memories from past Summer Programs include hikes and stargazing. “It’s such a privilege to be able to experience God’s beauty like that every summer,” she says. “It’s an opportunity most don’t get, being at a place which enables you to lead a life of spirituality and virtue. Everyone around you is working toward the same things, and it’s beautiful to see.”