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In your charity, please say a prayer for Jen Danner (’98) DellaCrosse; her husband, Ryan, and their family. For the last two years, Mrs. DellaCrosse — a U.S. Army veteran and the mother of seven — has been battling glioblastoma, an aggressive and incurable brain cancer. She is now entering hospice care.

Jen (Danner ’98) and Ryan DellaCrosse
Jen (Danner ’98) and Ryan DellaCrosse

Last year, Mrs. DellaCrosse appeared on her husband’s podcast, The Catholic Talk Show, to share about her journey through cancer, suffering, and ever-deepening faith. Regarding prayer, she observed, “We think we know what the outcome is that we want: We want healing, we want renewal, we want to live. Well, if that that doesn’t happen, that doesn’t mean He’s not holding us, He’s not still giving us what we need or want. That’s just the best path. I find a lot of comfort in the fact that God continues to bring things into my life — and probably everyone’s life — that ultimately is their journey to Him.”

You can see the episode, and the couple’s beautiful witness, in the above video.

The DellaCrosses have a devotion to the Surrender Novena and are grateful for those who wish to join them in praying it.  Their website, the Surrender Novena Project, quotes her as saying:

“Every time, every day,  just put it back at the foot of the Cross and say, ‘Jesus, I know you’ve got this.’”