New England

Summer Program Students

When we last left the New England High School Summer Program students, they were gearing up for an epic dodgeball standoff in the Pope St. John Paul II Athletic Center.

Photos: Dodgeball and Recreation Period
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First, the four sections competed against each other to determine who would take on the prefects. Section 4 dominated, knocking off Sections 1, 2, and 3. Then came the dodgeball showdown. Balls flew and voices cheered as the game began, with the prefects besting the students. The students demanded a rematch, but by then it was time for dinner: a Mexican burrito bar! Attendees loaded up their plates with pork al pastor, beans, rice, and other toppings. A cooling rain shower fell as the students studied their next reading, the Book of Genesis. “I’ve read the Bible before, but I haven’t discussed it much,” said James B. “Tomorrow will be interesting for sure!”


Study Hall


Following study hour and Rosary, the group spent a fun-filled evening in the Bl. Frassati coffee shop. Attendees were delighted by iced mochas topped with whipped cream and pirouette cookies, plus assorted snacks and chips. Games of Uno, Codenames, and Apples to Apples began, with students engaging in some more friendly competition with their peers. “I’ve only been here for two days, and I’ve already made so many friends,” said Natalia G. “Everyone is so kind and welcoming.”

Photos: Coffee Shop
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As curfew approached, students started trickling back towards their residence halls. They were pleasantly surprised to find that the prefects had set up dorm parties! The women enjoyed a relaxing spa night, bonding over manicures, foot baths, and face masks. “It’s a great opportunity for the girls to connect and chat,” said prefect Dani Van Wyk (’26). Meanwhile, in St. Augustine Hall, justice was served as the male prefects and attendees played Wiffle Ball Dodgeball, with the attendees giving the prefects a taste of their own medicine. “We shouldn’t have underestimated these guys,” laughed Paul Habsburg (’24).

Tired out by a full day of fun and fellowship, programmers hit the sack to recharge for what promises to be a busy Wednesday. Make sure to come back to the Summer Program Blog this afternoon to find out what they discuss in today’s classes!