New England
Summer Program Students


When students on the New England High School Summer Program awoke this morning, many of them had a tan from yesterday’s kayaking excursion. Energized and excited for their second week of classes, they grabbed their copies of Euclid’s Elements to review as they ate breakfast.

On the docket for today was a discussion of the definitions, postulates, and common notions that preface the most famous geometry text of all time. “I’m not really sure what we’re going to discuss,” said Molly P. “But I’m looking forward to finding out!”

In typical TAC fashion, the students had lots to talk about! Tutors asked deceptively thought-provoking questions, such as “What is a line?” and “What is a point?” “I thought I knew what a point was until this morning,” laughed Karolina P. “But that all changed when I got to class!”

During lunch, which consisted of crispy orange chicken, potstickers, and chili broccoli, attendees talked excitedly about what they will cover in tomorrow’s Euclid class. “We’re starting props tomorrow,” said Caitriona M. “I’ve been studying them since Saturday!” Some students even squeezed a little study time in between lunch and their afternoon class — a discussion on Boethius’s Consolation of Philosophy.

Written in the 6th century A.D. as Boethius was imprisoned and facing martyrdom, the Consolation of Philosophy unfolds via a dialogue between the author and Lady Philosophy. Boethius, disheartened and miserable, discusses evil, free will, and suffering with Lady Philosophy in the first two books. Students pondered the profound insights the work presented, grappling with such ideas with the guidance of their tutors.

As classes let out, the group hurried down to Olivia music hall for its second dance practice! “I love dancing,” gushed Grace B.

Make sure to come to the Summer Blog tomorrow to read all about the programmers’ afternoon activities!


Summer Program Students