Summer Program Students


It was a full Wednesday afternoon and evening on the California High School Summer Program, following the double dose of Genesis in the day’s earlier classes. Heading into the extended afternoon recreation period, students were faced with the difficult decision of how to spend their time: Swim in the pool? Soccer or volleyball outside the gym? Start up an art project? Try out for Open-Mic Night, audition for Friday’s dramatic reading of The Importance of Being Earnest, or rehearse for the choir that plans to sing at today’s midday Mass?

Photos: Recreation Period
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Having made their decisions wisely, the students made the most of a jam-packed Wednesday afternoon! 

Photos: Study Hall
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Upon leaving the library, the students took the short walk to Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity Chapel for the nightly Rosary, in the presence of Our Eucharistic Lord in the monstrance!




Then it was time for “Coffee Shop” in St. Cecilia Hall, where students were greeted by some 100 smoothies and many more Dino Nuggets, made with love by their amazing team of prefects! In addition to the usual games, the soiree included spontaneous swing dancing and games of Spike ball.

Photos: Coffee Shop
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Finally, they returned to their residence halls, where — just in case anyone was still hungry — they were greeted with sumptuous piles of taquitos! After getting their fill and night prayer, they retired in anticipation of an exciting Thursday. Be sure to visit the Summer Program Blog this afternoon to read all about it!