
At 10:00 a.m. on the morning of March 23 in Washington, D.C., the eight justices of the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in Thomas Aquinas College’s case against the HHS Contraceptive Mandate, Zubik v. Burwell. And in Santa Paula, California, where it will still be 7:00 a.m., members of the Thomas Aquinas College community will begin a full day of prayer and fasting for the College, for the justices, and for the future of religious liberty in the United States.


Rev. Gerard George Steckler, S.J., was a chaplain at the College from the fall of 1982 to the summer of 1993. He passed away on March 5, 2015.


In honor of the Year of Mercy, Thomas Aquinas College will hold a special Ash Wednesday Divine Mercy service, to which alumni and friends of the College, are invited. The service will take place on Wednesday, February 10, in Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity Chapel.


Matthew Reiser (’00), a graduate of the College and the husband of Sharon (Raskob ’99), passed away suddenly last week on the Feast of the Presentation. His funeral will take place at the College, with a Rosary vigil the evening preceding. Below are the details:

Friday, February 12

6:00-7:00 p.m. Visitation
7:00 p.m. Recitation of the Rosary
Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity Chapel


Half-day office holiday